Saturday, April 23

(G) Phoenix. (2005, Avalon) Grade: A ; Grade for venue: F
Thoughts: I guess not all French people are bad. :P Phoenix rocked the house at the Avalon .... good times had by all. Their new song Jetplane was pretty good. I'm looking forward to their new album. As for the venue, I knew the Avalon (use to be the Palace) sucked but seriously, I mean seriously people. I hate LA shows with all my heart. On a side not Dogs Die In Hot Cars are terrible and Oingo Boingo and Talking Heads did the music better the first time.

random thoughts:

- i love spain. to think this time last year dorkus, FTC and I were all in spain. oh spain. LOLA !!!

- cup-o-noodles you are dangerous close to being banned from the page with all your american idol talk. okay but i will admit anwar being voted off was wrong.

- dorkus you know the sad part is i'm not even watching all the movies i could be. lately work been taking up so much of my time that i'm behind on my movies-watching. this week alone i could have watched like 3 or 4 films (sigh). work sucks. i'm going to try to catch up this weekend and plow through 6 ... we'll see if i can do it.

- so i know no one will believe this but i need to start saving money. apparently working and getting a paycheck has spoiled me and i'm getting a bit careless in my spending and am now just realizing how bad it has gotten. recently i blew 100 bucks on season 8 of the x-files and lone gunman series, 100 bucks on random cds and at least 150 on tickets to upcoming shows (phoenix, lucksmiths, sleater kinney, get up kids, and maybe oasis). it is getting to be a bit much and with gas prices on the rise i'm not sure i want to drive anywhere but to work now. (sigh). i need to save money.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

First of all.. if you ban me from the site, postings will go down 30% and I don't think you can afford that.

Secondly, if you want some tips on Saving Money I recommend Suze Ormans book for 20-30 year olds about all sorts of money issues. I'm recommending it to people all the time and you can go to CostCo (asian headquarters) and get it for $14.

I want to see Oasis, but I can't do Hollywood bowl... you have to pay WAY too much for good seats and if you're not close for a band like that, it's not worth it.

I was at the very back of the Avalon and I enjoyed Phoenix but I'd have rather seen them at the Troubadour where it's small, you're closer, and it's more intimate.