Thursday, March 31

(A) Feel Good, Inc. (2005, Gorillaz) Grade: B+
Thoughts: The new single off the second album from the cartoon band Gorillaz. "Demon Days" arrives in stores May 24th and "Feel Good, Inc." is the first release. I must say it is pretty strong ... poppy, catchy and Damon Albarn's voice.

(A) Arpeggi (Live at Ether Festival) (2005, Radiohead) Grade: A-
Thoughts: FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY ... new Radiohead. It has been almost 2 years since Hail To The Thief came out and I was wondering what was happening with my boys. Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood performed this with the the Nazareth Orchestra in London. If only I had scheduled my trip a few days later ... (sigh). If this is a peek into their new album I would say expect more Kid A and Amnesiac (Kid B). I would love for them to do another The Bends but I guess they are moving away from the guitar sound.

(A) Beverly Hills. (2005, Weezer) Grade: D-
Thoughts: The new single off the Make Believe album which comes out May 10th and I really have to wonder ... what is going on here. This song is bad, really really bad. So I ask .... Weezer, what happened?

(A) Waiting for the Sirens' Call. (2005, New Order) Grade: B+
Thoughts: I had to really warm up to this album and I'm kinda of glad I did. When I don't love an album right away I know it is a keeper. The album is pretty standard New Order stuff but seriously is there anything wrong with that. Stand-out tracks - Waiting for the Sirens' Call, Turn, Krafty, Guilt is a A Useless Emotion.

i do not send death threats. wait ... yes i do. ha ha you fools better blog or else. okay okay i'm being mean. i need to blog as well.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

OMG!! I soooooooooooooo want to hear the new NEW ORDER album. I LOVED the last one. they're so great!

As far as radiohead, they are dead to me. They were the greatest band in the world and then released amnesiac and it's been a steady decline. I'll listen to the new album of course though and try to give them another chance to win me back.