Wednesday, January 26

(M) Who Are You?. (2002, Choi Ho) Grade: B
Thoughts: Think You've Got Mail Korean style and you get Who Are You? Charming and cute. Keeping true to most Asian films the physical attraction was kept light. I think they most they did was maybe hold hands. :) Ahhh nothing better than repressing your feelings.

(M) Annie Hall. (1977, Woody Allen) Grade: B+
Thoughts: I'm not a huge Woody Allen fan. I think you either love him or hate him. However this movie was very clever. Given the date of this film the subject matter about love and relationships still applies.

(M) Dirty Pretty Things. (2002, Stephen Frears) Grade: C+
Thoughts: Not sure why this movie got so much hype ... it was okay at best. I found it misleading that Audrey Tautou is pictured on the cover of the dvd yet her character was secondary to the main character played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, who I just adored. Another little thing to note was Sophie Okonedo role as a hooker who is now nominated for her role in Hotel Rhwanda. How awesome is that.

(M) Three ... Extremes. (2004, Takashi Miike, Fruit Chan, Byung-hun Lee) Grade: C, A-, B
Thoughts: This film is broken up into three horror stories ... hence the three ratings. the first is called Box by Takashi Mike. The story was weak and uninteresting and I didn't really care about the character. the last one is called Cut by Byung-huh Lee ... interesting but still just alright. the middle one called Dumpling by Fruit Chan is the one I will really review. The basic story is a woman is tired of feeling old and wants to look young in hopes of getting her husband's attention back. According to Chinese folklore one way to keep young was to eat baby fetuses ... well you can see where this is going. It was pretty hard to watch some scenes. The stories goes on to say the older the fetus the younger you will become ... so a five month baby would be great. (shiver) It was pretty hard to watch.

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