Day 2 and 2 blogs!!! way to go Darth!
So I watched "The Empire Strikes Back" last looks really cool and sounds great. That was always my favorite one of the series and still is. Read a cool article about how the Empire would kick the federation's ass if star wars battled star if that was ever in question..haha..okay enough of the nerd talk.
I'm trying not to think of the Dodgers, they are killing independent Darth (if you know where this is from, you are cool). anyway their real problem has nothing to do with hee seop, its more on consistent pitching, which hee seop doesn't do. Their starters are tired and not pulling their weight. In their last 13 starts, Dodger starting pitchers have given up nearly as many runs as they have had innings pitched. That isn't going to win you a lot of games. Praying for one win tonight. What do you think about a player like Shawn Green who by his religion is not supposed to play on Yom Kippur, which this year will take him out of two games. Does he have some sort of loyalty to his teammates? But then he his loyalty to his soul. Its a tough call to make, and either way i'll respect him for it.
What is the all time best game on game night? I say 25 words or less......
my vote is also 25 words or less...followed by hold em!
i don't know .... apples to apples is pretty good.
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