Tuesday, November 18

mission accomplished. i actually studied well tonight. i didn't get all freaked out about anatomy...i just studied. it was weird...i had this odd sense of calm. well hopefully it keeps going this way for anatomy. I want to go over some stuff tomorrow in lab so i think i'm gonna do that after we dissect.

i don't have many interesting thoughts to blog about. The thought Christmas shopping is freaking me out. I don't get out of school until Dec 19 and that's mad crazy test time for me. So what am I gonna do? I'm scared hehe. What if I have to spend the 20-23 shopping in the madness of last-minute shoppers....with nothing left but the crap that nobody wanted to buy. Ok i'm over-exaggerating that a bit....maybe this will be an internet gift year...I'm with Darth.

Ok time for sleep.

listening to: the gentle hum of my overworked computer...and the screams of my overworked brain....

random thought: why does music suck nowadays?

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