Monday, November 3

hello everyone, it's november.....this year is going by fast, once again, like every year is. what do i have to show for it? not much. i still have 2 months to do something that will change the face of this world this year......haha. halloween was cool, i didn't celebrate it in the traditional sense, i actually ended up helping organize and work at my girlfriend's fair at church for their preschool and kindergarteners. it was fun and rewarding in its own way. this weekend i saw snoop dogg yesterday as well. he was playing in a basketball game right before mine in the same league. so when after his game was over, and his team was clearing the bench for my team, he walked past me and i said what's up snoop, and he said what's up homie, then we pounded fists. haha, it was pretty cool to bump into him i guess so randomly. oh well. i think it would have been better if it was heavy d.

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