Friday, September 26

random thoughts ... went to see radiohead yesterday at the bowl. although i am trying to distance myself from them due to numerous reasons, i must admit they do put on quite a bad ass show (darn them all) ... and i want to put dancing thom in my pocket and just carry him around all the time. :) but to my point .... i was super annoyed at the show cause it was so L.A. ugh. i hate fucking L.A-ers. they just stand there caring about their self image and talking about who they know, what fab. job or life they are leading and who they had drinks with the other night or what stupid ass screenplay/production/director/(insert a ton of other stuff) they are working on. grrrr. so i was looking at the lyrics to paranoid android and one line goes "the yuppies networking, the vomit the vomit" and found myself laughing so hard. here are individuals who attend radiohead concerts and they are the types that radiohead sings out against but then again radiohead robbed their true fans by making us see their precious asses at the butt huge hollywood motherfu**ing bowl so go figure. end conclusion ... hate LA a lot a lot and secretly ... very very secretly love radiohead .... ha ha.

spinning: paranoid android - radiohead

p.s. see not only do i despise "the OC" .... i loathe LA. hey that would be a great shirt, instead of i love LA it should read i loathe LA. ha ha funny stuff.

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