Friday, September 26

pigern, SAVE YOURSELF. do not read friendster profiles or you will be pissed off by the number of dumb people out there. seriously. i've read a couple profiles, but then i stopped to ask myself why. do i care about these people? NO. do i have any intentions of sending a friendster message? hell NO. (oh yeah, a friendster pet peeve of mine is when people list various magazines as their favorite books. my message to people who do this: a magazine is not a book. if you do not have a favorite book or if you do not read, please leave the question blank.) blahhh. just venting, i guess.

i guess the internet connects you in an impersonal way. sorta. make sense? is cool and all, but remember the days when we would write actual letters?

listening to: The Rocking Hose Winner - steps in sand

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