Monday, June 16

warning: a ramble on the real world. okay. so the new real world is set in paris. and my initial thought was, 'a bunch of self absorbed, whiny, idiotic twentysomethings got to live in paris, france for however long real world lasts and i bet they did not even appreciate it.' so i turn on the telly today and a repeat episode is on... and a guy named ace (from georgia) says flat out, 'i hate france. i hate parisians. i hate their food. i hate their small cars. i miss SUVs. i miss walmart. i miss waffles.' omigosh. he IS the american europeans think of when they think of america and americans. wow. i was blown away by his hate. and one of their roommates is french (i think) and was v. critical of how the others did not bother to learn the language. they sit at a restaurant and ace orders an american type dish but orders it all in english. not even trying to say 'fritte' or something. BUT in the end he admits that he is being ignorant and only been in paris for a week. and he walks around the city and falls in love with its beauty. and makes a commitment to keep an open mind. ahh, a happier ending.
paris is seriously a beautiful city. i loved it. and i was there for less than a week. anyway, that was my ramble on that lame mtv series. hah hah.

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