Wednesday, June 4

Bravo! I am glad someone has called attention to this mind boggling phenomenon. Why are girls interested in such assholes? I honestly don't get it. Maybe it comes from low self-esteem. I would never for a minute even consider someone who is so self righteous, so cocky, and so obnoxious like that. New Wave, you're right. We ARE better than that. We don't need super jerk boyfriends who belittle our thoughts and opinions.

However, I will say this, I think that most girls (including me) are interested in guys with Asshole Potential. That is, girls are interested in guys who could have the potential to be an asshole when needed (let's just say he's defending your honor or something); who wants to date a Too Nice Guy with No Balls? I don't. Nice guys are great, but there is a thing as being too nice.

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