Sunday, March 9

sorry for the depressing posts dorkus...wasn't intentional.

anyway about flaky friends. i have a couple of friends...who are actually a couple...and they have been shady on countless occasions. i have no choice but to stay friends w/ them for the following reasons: a)the guy has a car and he is our only means of transportation for grocery shopping, going to the movies etc. and b) they're 2 out of the 3 friends that i have in philly that i hang out with...the other one being my roommate and c) well they HAVE been there for me sometimes but they're so damn SHADY or they don't know how to communicate or sOMething. like once they were like, "oh hey let's go out tonight, what do u wanna do?"...and we decide to go to the movies...but then later on when i called them to see what was up, they said they didn't feel like going...WTF you invited us?! Then this other time, we were in NY for a friends bday...they dropped me and my roomie off at the club and they were gonna park the car. We were waiting for 15 min at the door...then decided to go in....still no sign of them. Neither of us brought our phone into the club. Then I use my other friend's phone to call them and they're like "uh...i don't think we're gonna go in" this point we had already spent 13 each to get into the club and get coat check. And we had our stuff in their car. Long story short, we told them to just drop our stuff off and we'd stay w/ our friend who's bday it was....I think they were on their way back to queens when I called...dumbasses. So not only did they assume that we had a place to stay or a ride but they assumed that our friend could accomodate us. So annoying. I didn't really answer the question...but I would suggest just don't call them and ignore them. And then if they make a big deal about you being distant, then tell them why they're inconsiderate. hehe. ok that's it for me. I went to SD this weekend and that helped a no depressing blog. :)

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