Friday, March 7

hedwig, i don't know you, but hope you feel better, for what it's worth.

so i'm sitting here in Mexico. the drive was kind of nerve-racking because it was my first time coming down by myself, and i was afraid i was going to get lost, but i made it. so i get to head back up to la this weekend, i'm excited. i've pretty much been keeping myself entertained by playing basketball at some local park with filipinos, hispanics, and african americans, and one white guy that thinks he's african american, much like darth thinks he is. so i'm beginning to think that i may be the only asian person in chula vista, which i totally don't mind, but it's odd coming from fob city u.s.a. also known as alhambra and the rest of the sgv. sorry this blog was me just rambling on about my life, it's boring, maybe i should have let you read this sentence before everything else, but too bad.

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