Thursday, March 6

anyway, i was gonna post this earlier, but i got a phonecall so i just posted whatever i had. i wrote this on the plane over. i was very proud of it when i's not really MEANt to bum ppl out, but take it for what it's worth. for those of you that don't know...the red head and i are no longer together.....

"planes don't stop for love"
Romantic comedies are what we hope our love lives will be like. Boy meets girl. They seem perfect for each other, fall in love and all is well. Boy finds tragic flaw in girl and girl leaves boy, all accompanied by a soundtrack that conveys the sadness and longing of the parties involved. Girl decides to leave town and boy realizes that the tragic flaw doesn't matter anymore and he loves her. Boy runs to the airport, pleads with airport personnel to stop the plane. In a swirl of romance they stop the plane. Boy finds girl and they kiss passionately...riding off into the sunset...happily ever after.

But planes don't stop for love. There is no soundtrack for your life because while the joy may seem to last for a second, the pain will undoubtedly last longer than three minutes and thirty seconds of your life. You don't know if the boy will come and chase you down at the airport. And furthermore, if he did, would you even stay?

They never really show what happens after the kiss. Maybe all the passengers get pissed and kick the boy and girl out; girl gets upset because she had a medical school interview and that flight was the last one out, ruining her chances of getting into her dream school. It's real life. It's hard, it lasts much longer than two hours, you can't control it and you never know what's going to happen. So next time you watch a romantic movie, give yourself a reality check and think back to when you read the cynical ramblings of a girl sitting "alone" in an airplane with no music, for four hours, waiting for her pain to subside.

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