Monday, March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day to All!!!!!!

What better way to celebrate st. patrick cleansing the land from snakes and converting the heathens than to down a frosty one!!! haha....So last night I went to the ABC 50th anniversary celebration....basically it was anyone who has ever worked for abc (actors, crews, producers) and then there was know you are in for an evening when you walk down the red carpet right behind john tesh (!!!!!) and head of the class's simone (the red head for all your who forgot that wonderful show). Anyway walking inside was werid cause you'd look over and wow its carol (tracy gold) from growing pains, then walk a little more and there is d.j. from rosanne. Waiting for the show to begin was okay for a while but the lobby soon grew over crowded, but i did get a chance to see winnie cooper, john madden, and joe nammath. The actual show was entertaining all the big names were out, john travolta for welcome back kotter, barbara walter,oprah, tim allen, but the one that brought down the house and floored me was muhammed ali. Words can't express just how amazing it was to see him. After abc had run all their montages and everyone had spoke, I headed over to the after party which was cool, but weird. I sat down to eat only to notice gold medalist carl lewis was next to me......went to get dessert and whos there? zack morris..haha...a dream come true to say the least. The two highlights of the party other than the free alcohol and food was, having a drink with jimmy kimmel, who was really drunk, and then getting to shake hands and talk to dennis franz for a minute, just cause my mom really likes him and wanted me to say hi.....okay thats all about that.....and mac the anthem rocks!!! wow what a great song, c'mon throw you hands up!!! god i hate them and want to punch them in their face....real punk bands would beat the crap out of them and make them their bitches...i'd love to hear what johnny (lyden) rotten would say about them. did anyone else see the cartoon are you hot on snl on sat? that was fricking hilarious. i'm a bit irish btw, mostly scottish and english, hey its all the same island.....lates

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