dorkus i totally know what you mean. i work at a place that gives out loans....and people call in asking about the loan service....and they'll tell you the whole story of why they need a loan...."i just got out of jail and i need to get my phone turned back on"..."i was in the hospital for 2 weeks and my mom's bf's sister's cousin stole my car"....those aren't true but you get the gist. so annoying. and THEN when you tell them you cant' give them a loan b/c they dont' have the requirements...i.e. they don't make enough money, they don't have a phone, a bank acct, a JOB or social security.....they try to talk their way into getting a loan. HELLO!!!! i can't give you a loan if you don't have these hang up already! so yeah. that sounds harsh cuz i know ppl out there need money....but once you've heard it 100 times it gets pretty freakin annoying. so i feel ya there!
listening to: nobody wants to be lonely--christina "slut" aguillera and ricky "gay" martin
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