Friday, February 21

well it wouldn't sound very intriguing if they called it "Has-been" shows now would it?

and about the U2-coldplay comparison......HELL NO they will NOT be the next U2 if I have anything to say about it. I'll pass along what my friend was saying the other day: they are Radiohead-wannabees. it's not that i hate their music...they're ALRIGHT...they are NOT U2. I think that's what's wrong w/ music today...everything is just "alright." Much like how Simon and Randy view the American Idol finalists: I'm not blown away or anything. And the media or whatever totally overrate all these artists. Take for example 50 cent....not centS but CENT. wtf. Anyway, seriously, what's the big deal? If he didnt' have such fresh beats which are prolly thanks to the producers...his rap would be crap. He sounds like Ben Stein rapping....MO-NO-TONE. And his face looks about as excited as someone who had overdone the botox. Again, it's not that i don't like his music, cuz the beats are nice, he's just alright....but....if i remember correctly, some dumbass vj on mtv said he was to the rap world as the beatles were to pop or whatever. WTF???? same thing goes for ashanti. *shrug*

ok i'll stop my ramblings.....
listening to: outkast--and the whole world..........loves it when you don't get down......bapapada!


oh and i forgot.....what's up w/ the club tragedies? it was so depressing today to hear about rhode island....:(

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