Darth what's wrong with the French?? Man they gave us pommes frites America's favorite food. Damn reality t.v. sucks. But I hope Robin Leach gets off that show before he exerts himself too much and passes out or worse. And why do they title these "Celebrity" shows? I have yet to see one legit celebrity on any of these shows, well minus the Gary Coleman Stardates or whatever, where his date picked him up, haha.
Why is Coldplay getting so much publicity? They aren't that good, today I just heard that they could be the next U2??? What the heck is that? I'm not saying that they are bad, but they aren't that great either. Radiohead....... Anyways I was just wondering once again why music sucks so bad now. I've resorted to K - Earth and it's oldies. I'm waiting for something new to sound good again. Suggestions anyone?
Hedwig, Pomona has lots of places with cheap rent and should be fairly easy to find. The only thing is that it smells really bad out there because of Cal Poly's damn farm animals. I don't really know where you will be working or what you'll be doing but maybe try to live in Montclair/Claremont? area, it's a lot nicer.
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