hiya mates. okay, i really don't comprehend the success of my big fat greek wedding. i viewed the film on my flight from europe and was eager to view it because 1) it is an independent film; 2) focusing on a largely ignored minority; and 3) features a presumably strong female protagonist. but i found the film unappealing (besides its trite, predictable story line) because the humor was very sitcom and made the characters caricatures, not actual people the audience could relate to (especially the father and his windex). most of the humor actually, like the story line, was trite. such as the title character's brother convincing her fiance to say something embarassing in greek. how many times has that been done? and the relationship between the woman and her love was very rushed and underdeveloped. they love each other to the extent that he becomes greek orthodox? but at least this film became the sleeper hit and not some nonsensical film such as crossroads or something. sorry if this blog turned into a movie review. but i really don't understand why so many people find this film so incredibly appealing and charming. and i really really tried to like it. if anything, i think it has the potential to be a sitcom and fittingly enough, it will become a mid-season show for cbs.
as for mac's query, ah man, no m.c. hammer? darn. erm... i just picked up division of laura lee and it's true- the best music is coming out of sweden.
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