Thursday, September 19

guaranteed juwanna won't get bit by anything on the camping trip. haha jk baby you know i "heart" you. hey music people, matt skiba from alkaline trio has a split release with kevin seconds from 7 seconds. l really like alkaline trio, so maybe you won't like it, but most of alkaline's stuff is really bitter and thought out. i'm rambling out of order, but no matter. the matt skiba songs are all acoustic so it might be worth it to check it out, i haven't heard songs from kevin seconds though. just go download it. so here's a question for everyone. well minus new wave because we all know she loves the cure and darth because we all know he loves dashboard confessional. haha just kidding. but here's the question who is your favorite band from the recent years? no nirvana, no cure, no m.c. hammer., but the newer bands. i just want input, because i want to see what's playing on your 8 tracks. alright, well go check out the alkaline trio, that's my pick.

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