Tuesday, August 20

okay new wave, so life is depressing. get over it. (i mean this in a nice way.) it's depressing thinking about how life is depressing. i try not to think about it. sure, life isn't fair, and it sucks to work a full time job; that's part of the territory, i guess. i don't want to use the "lemonade" cliche, but it's true......look, i'm not the most optimistic person around, but i try and enjoy what i have while i have it. (it could always be worse!)

i also think that marriages in general can go both ways, whether or not they are under the eyes of God. Sorry, but just because you are God fearing Christians doesn't mean you have will a better marriage than the next guy. I'm sure it helps to be under the eyes of God, but I don't think it is the determining factor. But what do I know? I'm nowhere near marriage, nor am I a churchgoing Christian. I'll stop before the religion discussion starts...remember when you were younger and you had this ideal age in mind when you wanted to get married? Mine used to be 26. now that i'm just a couple years away from 26, i'm like, "yeah right!!"....i am so not ready for marriage and children. i'm too selfish for this....but you never know.....

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