Friday, February 19

(B) Nine Stories (J.D. Salinger, 1953) Grade: B+
The death of J.D. Salinger renewed my interest in his work, of which I have only read Catcher in the Rye, and that was years ago. I didn't know Salinger had only four published books; for some reason, I thought he had more. Well, perhaps his unpublished stories will one day be released to the public. Of the nine stories, my favorite was "For Esme--With Love and Squalor." It really depicted the affects of war on the main character.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

All his stories that were in the New Yorker are online. Just go to Wikipedia to get a complete list then do a google search, some website has all of them.

Nine Stories is great. Read Franny and Zooey. In Nine Stories I loved 'A Perfect Day For Bananafish' and 'Teddy'.

For Esme got a lot of acclaim.