Sunday, August 24

(M) In Search of a Midnight Kiss Grade: B
This B&W indie film has some similarities to Before Sunrise: a man and a woman get to know each other in one day as they explore a new city, which in this case is Los Angeles. The script is decently written and funny, though it sometimes borders on sappy. The weakest part of the film is probably the woman, who is a bit too much at times. I guess like how Julie Delpy’s character was in the Before film: a bit too neurotice and intense. The other main female character, the man’s friend’s girlfriend, isn’t very likeable either, so I guess the film doesn’t have the best female characters. I enjoyed the scenery, since they were all local spots, and found it funny that the filmmakers made Los Angeles look so great (i.e. the characters rode the Metro and explored downtown).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cc / cc -

won't be seeing this one. thanks, but no thx.
