*So this morning I find out The Cure or more Mr. Robert Smith has decided to postponed their ENTIRE North America tour until next April/May of 2008. To say I am disappointed and upset would be an understatement. Oh guys what are you doing??!! They claim they want to finish their album before going on tour so they can play the new songs but you know what the last album was CRAP. Ugh. :(
*On Wednesday, I wanted to pick up the special collector's edition of Serenity at Best Buy. While attempting to park I did not fully stop at a stop sign and some stupid cop was just waiting to give a ticket. (Sigh) Just what I need a lame ticket to pay for and traffic school. Ugh.
*Not so great things are going on at my company. Since I don't like to talk about personal stuff much I won't stay what but you can read this to figure it out.
*So the final chapter of Trapped in the Closet played and I was a bit disappointed. Not because it was ending but more because chap. 13 to 22 was a bit of a let down compared to the magic of chap. 1 to 12. I hope we don't have wait over a year for the rest of the chapters. Man R. Kelly is crazy. Watch all the chapters now.
You know... I don't know what goes on behind the scenes with concerts and promoters and all that but I was thinking about ticket sale issues yesterday. I was wondering why events don't just sell tickets themselves. Want to go to Coachella? Go to coachella.com and buy your tickets. Want to go see the Lakers? Go to staplescenter.com and buy your tickets. It seems so simple and yet a large ticket corporation still has control that really could be taken away from them. I myself no longer go to anything this corporation sells tickets to because of the service fees. With the internet I wonder if this company will eventually go away as did Tower Records. Who knows. I hope your job is not at risk though.
sorry about the cure new wave. doesn't fat bob know no one wants to hear the new cure material anyway?
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