Saturday, August 4

(B) Fun House: A Family Tragicom (Alison Bechdel, 2006) Grade: B+
This was an interesting autobiography graphic novel about a woman whose father was a closet homosexual. It’s about their family struggles and dysfunctional relationships. Interestingly, the writer is a lesbian who is fully out of the closet, but she doesn’t connect or feel any closer to her father because of their shared sexuality. Her father dies as an early age, leaving the family to wonder if his death was accidental or intentional. Pretty interesting read.

(B) Requiem for a Dream (Hubert Selby, 1978) Grade: B+
Darren Arronofsky’s film version of this book was like a punch in the face. It was so intense. I didn’t think the book would elicit the same reaction, but it was just as intense. Selby abandons any formal structure, ignoring proper grammatical and punctuation marks, so it’s a tad difficult to read, but it does mirror the chaotic experience of the characters on drugs. Good read.

Book count: 16


Curelover said...

Yay books. I'm glad you liked the Fun House one. That was a random find at the library.

Darth said...

as always i wish i knew how to read :(

alex said...

i like it