Monday, August 13

(B) Everyman (Philip Roth, 2006) Grade: B
Though this isn’t Roth’s most well-known book (it’s probably American Pastoral or The Plot Against America), Everyman is an interesting read about the universal experience of confronting our mortality. The book follows an old man who is thinking about his life, his mistakes and wondering if he is who he wanted to become. The ending is chilling because it feels so real. Definitely going to read more of Roth’s other works.

(B) Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Truman Capote, 1958) Grade: B+I’ve never read Capote and figured this short novella (and three short stories) would be a good introduction. What surprised me the most was how different the Audrey Hepburn film is from the novella, though Hepburn captures Holly Golightly quite well. Capote has an admirable writing style, and I was moved by all the stories.

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