(M) Syriana
Grade: A
This movie presents a bunch of discussion questions:
Does the US government sell arms to foreign nations that get used for improper purposes?
Does the oil industry engage in corrupt business practices for money?
Do people sell out their co-workers for profit?
Does the government turn its back on its agents in countries when things get ruff?
Do industries create fall men to be sacrificed before the public just to make their industry look good and then give them multi-million dollar golden parachutes for doing a couple years in jail?
Does the US government assassinate men who are in line to take control of their country who will run it at odds to American interests?
Are there citizens left in such poor living conditions due to their leaders being more concerned about profit than benefiting society that they turn to acts of “terrorism” against countries like America that are making sure the conditions of foreign countries stay low?
Syriana asks this and many more questions and according to the movie the answer to each question is ‘Yes’. True or not, it creates a film to get people talking about what’s going on in the world.
(M) Infamous
Grade: B
I have not seen Capote which got all the critical acclaim. I enjoyed this movie, there were aspects about it that I did not like at all, such as the set-designs and color schemes in the beginning of the movie and the “interview” aspects of the film were very annoying to me. Outside of all of that, the story was really interesting. I need to now watch Capote so I can do a compare and contrast between the two movies.
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