(M) Why We Fight [Documentary]
Grade: B
This was an enjoyable documentary about the engagements of America in military action. Its focus begins with the warning of Dwight Eisenhower when he left his office to be wary of the military industrial complex. He feared the day when somebody went into office that didn't know as much about the military as he did. Ever since he left office every single president has taken America into some military action somewhere or another and we've gone somewhere almost every single year. It focuses on the business of war and how much money is made from it and why we have incentives to go to war. It mentions how after Sept. 11th the whole world was behind America and supported America until Iraq and now we're almost hated everywhere. It talks about how Rome's mistake was trying to build up a strong enough army to control all the territory it could and how we are basically doing the same. The threat to our power at the moment is that if oil is not available our entire global military operation and control will cease and leave us exposed and how as the powerhouse that America is, maybe we should be using our strength for different objectives. It was interesting, I basically have heard all this before but it was all summed up in a nice package here.
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