(M) Stranger Than Fiction
Grade: C
I assume most of you know what this movie is about. I think the idea behind it is always a good idea, that whole live your life while you can thing, but the execution wasn't that great and everytime I see Maggie Gylenhaal I think of her in the movie 'Secretary' fully naked and getting spanked or nailed up against a tree.
(M) Au Hasard Balthazar
Grade: B
Oh I looooooooooooove Balthazar, he's such a cute donkey! Yeah, Balthazar is a donkey whose life parallels that of this woman and both are beaten by the people closest to them and suffer at their hands. This is a foreign film that has a religious aspect to it, I can't describe it but it's kinda sad.
(M) Who Killed The Electric Car?
Grade: B
I hate large corporations and this movie goes on to increase my hate for them as well as my disdain for George W. Bush, and two-faced Bill Clinton and out of his mind Ronald Reagan and government organizations all together. I think all presidents suck actually. But this movie isn't about presidents, it's about electric cars and they should still be available to anyone who wants them and for those who don't want one, don't buy one.
Movie count: 17
Ohhh are we battling to see who has seen more movies?? It is on Cup. Ha ha. I only reviewed 15 but I have seen more. Yea Stranger Than Fiction doesn't seem that great.
I thought Stranger Than Fiction was decently humorous, but what killed it for me was the romantic aspect of it. all in all, enjoyable.
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