Yesterday when I was leaving work I checked my phone and saw I had a voice message. It was Pigern informing me our house got broken into. I called my mom to find out the details and yup ... someone broke into our house.
The robbers went over our back fence and destroyed our back door (they really wanted in). Luckily, they didn't take much, just my dad's old laptop that is really Pigern's college one that my dad fixed up and some jewelry from my mom.
I checked my room and everything seemed to be in order. I'm really thankful nothing happened to my family, no one was home when it took place. Now my mom is considering an alarm system but I think I'm going to try to push her into getting a dog. Or you know we can just change a few locks and call it a day. :(
I would highly recommend a dog, but mostly cause i think dogs rule. The other two suggestions aren't bad either, so i guess do all three.
Can we go dog shopping on saturday now?
This is very horrible news to hear. I am sorry that such a thing happened to you but thank God everyone was okay which is what is important.
What baffles me is why your room wasn't torn apart. I don't even know where your parents room is but if I came through that back sliding door, your room is the closest one and that's where I would have gone.
I say do whatever makes you all feel safe but the odds of getting hit twice is very small and if you consider how long you've been there and this being the first incident, it's not likely to happen again but sometimes money can buy piece of mind.
I like this picture. Hehe. Too bad robberies and violence can't be like they are in cartoons. I mean, Snake isn't really such a bad guy.
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