Thursday, November 16

- I feel slightly stressed because I have to pre-blog and have Darth post them for me as well as pack and get ready to leave tomorrow. Ack! Oh well.

- One of my co-workers near me likes to listen to 94.7 KTWV (The Wave) which is fine but he blasts it and I don't know how much melody jazz I can take. I thought about asking him to turn it down but it really doesn't bother me too much. It is more annoying.

- Why is there always traffic on the 10 fwy no matter what time it is? I don't get it.

- Did I mention I am dreading my long, long flight tomorrow. Oh well. It will be worth it in the end but man ... it is going to be rough. I like how in TV when people travel they show you the before and after .. in 30 seconds. Why can't traveling be like that? Ha ha.

14 more blogs to go ....

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Have fun on your trip!!! Take lots of pictures. DO a travel log/posting like Hedwig did!

Ask your co-worker who he/she prefers... Yanni or John Tesh.

Make sure you get a review of that Chinese movie that I wanted to see with you but was too broke to go to. ($12 for a movie equals TOO EXPENSIVE). HA!