Tuesday, November 7

- Did everyone go and vote today? Hope so but if not, no biggie. I'm under the false impression that my vote matters and I have a voice BUT in reality nothing will really change and everyone in our government is a thief and liar. That is the cynic in me living and breathing. Only true idealist believe their vote will amount to anything. So why do I keep voting? Maybe because I'm paying taxes and I might as well get something out of it or it could be because I like that cool red, white and blue sticker that says I Voted! :)

- I joined a bowling league with Darth and another friend. We are called Team Panda Strike and we are going to rock the house. Ha ha. Our first game was this past Sunday and I bowled 136, 108 and 144.

- This is too good to be true - Britney is divorcing K-Fed ... Yes, now K-Fed won't get fed. Ha ha and before you mock me on that read this. Oh and the best part is they have a prenup and K-Fed wants the kids. Please!!

- I want I want I want!!!! (see above)

- I need to watch my shows. I'm behind on Prison Break and Veronica Mars. I gave up on Gilmore Girls, it was just pissing me off. Although, I have been keeping up on Ugly Betty and Battlestar Galactica, did I mention BSG is the best show EVER??!!?? Apparently Heroes is doing really well. Too bad I didn't stay with that show. Oh well.

23 more blogs to go ....


Darth said...

I want you go get the Wii for the sole purpose of me coming over to play games on it. Yes i'm selfish.

Not only will Kfed not get fed, his addiction to pancakes will get worse...yet again before you say "huh" just read any review of his album. I hope he gets punched in the face too, that is me being selfish again.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Voting is sorta pointless in California because the outcome is always known.

I think you should still vote though because of the propositions, if nothing else.

In other states voting on other levels (like Senator) holds more weight (as you can see by the turn of events this mid-term election).

When our state Congressmen (Congresswomen) finally re-tire it will then be a more significant voting year for us in California.

I do feel though that any gains the Democrats are getting have very little to do with what they stand for and more to do with the mess the Republicans have created in their own party. 2008 is going to be exciting I think.

Curelover said...

Agreed Cup. Calif. will always be democratic which why it is funny Darth bothers to vote. Ha ha. Yea 2008 will be very exciting. People are upset and want some changes. I'm eager to see what is going to happen.