Friday, October 27

I was bored tonight so what did I do? I went and read other people's blogs. I should have been studying but nope I just read about other people's lives. How come I always feel like people are doing WAY more interesting things than I am. Oh well.

The other day at work I wore my Pernice Brothers' t-shirt that reads: I Hate My Life.
Apparently, my boss found it semi funny and commented that tomorrow we would get an office memo restating what the office dress code was. I laughed offhandedly but thought to myself oh great another non-funny joke made by a number cruncher. I then proceeded to tell him that I covered myself from head to toe in clothing and at least I do not dress like a hooker. Ha ha I should bust out my I'm Not Good Enough For Self-Esteem t-shirt next.

So I am at about 115 movies and Pigern thinks I can watch 150 movies by the end of the year. I doubt that is going to happen with the holidays coming up and tv.

Oh and Pigern and I will be making our fourth trip to Hong Kong in November ... maybe. (fingers crossed)

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