Tuesday, September 19

(M) Volver (Pedro Almodovar, 2006) Grade: A
I’m not a seasoned fan of Almodovar’s work. In fact, my first film of his was Bad Education. But I do remember walking out of that film with my mouth hanging open. It was so twisted and shocking yet amazingly intricate and well-done. This film is the same although perhaps a tad less disturbing. Almodovar maintains in Volver admirable realism and an astute understanding of human nature, specifically women. Great film.

(A) And I Feel Fine ... The Best of the I.R.S. Years ’82-87 (R.E.M.) Grade: A
The I.R.S. years were probably the best times of R.E.M.’s catalog. Warner had some gems (i.e. Automatic for the People), but when listening to the “best of” tracks on this album, you have to sit back and think, “Wow. This same band did Around the Sun?” R.E.M. in the ’80s is absolutely the definitive band of what is considered “college rock.”

(M) Confetti (Debbie Isitt, 2006) Grade: B
I wanted to see this film mainly because it 1) is British; 2) stars Martin Freeman; and 3) looked funny. And though Confetti didn’t disappoint, I didn’t exactly love it. I thought it pretty mediocre with some humourous bits. But it definitely confirmed my belief that weddings nowadays are more productions for everyone except the bride and groom. Oh, and New Wave should have a musical wedding.

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