Monday, August 28

Snakes on a Plane (Dir. by David Richard Ellis, 2006): B+

Okay, I know you are all saying, what the heck, how can you give this movie such a high grade? Well it’s easy, I expected a fun, cheesy movie, and that is exactly what I got. In terms of horror/suspense movies, it actually kept my attention longer than many others have of recent memory. I give props to Samuel L. Jackson for refusing to be in this movie unless it was called "Snakes on a Plane". The original title of Venom just doesn't do it for me either. Anyway, the movie isn't as predictable in terms of who is bitten and such. I was a little disappointed by the ending as it has one of those Jurassic Park III, endings where everything is just tied up off-screen and you just assume everything went to plan. All and all, if you want to laugh, and jump out of your seat occasionally (not me, but the loser sitting next to me), then I highly recommend Snakes on a Plane. And seriously, any movie that has the line: "I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!" has to be good right?


Hedwig said...

i heard another alternate title was United (insert number here). i guess i'll have to catch that movie on netflix.

pigern said...

Looks pretty good. I do like Samuel L. Jackson. He the man.