Last night Darth and I headed to Dodger stadium to see the Dodgers face off against the Cincinnati Reds. The game moved along fine up until the 7th inning. That was when not a single run was scored in the tied game (5-5) until the 16th inning. The game winning run was by Ramon Martinez when he homered, just barely, on the first pitch. The crowd, what was left of them, was cheering like mad for the Dodgers winning the game and allowing us to go home.
A total of 461 pitches were made in the game that lasted 4 hours and 54 minutes. The Dodgers ended up using 20 players and the Red 22. At inning 14, after the 14th inning stretch by singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" (didn't know they really did this), I turned to Darth and asked if we were really going to stay until the end. Luckily we did and it was worth it but I'm pretty tired.
yeah it was a great game, a little tired this morning because of it, but totally worth it. We almost got 2 full games for the price of 1, you can't beat that. This game did give me 2 firsts:
1. Getting to see the clock turn to 12:00 - at which point the crowd all cheered.
2. Getting to sing the "traditional" 14th inning stretch "take me out to the ball game" - bet you didn't know they actually do it.
I would have left by the seventh inning. Hahaha.
i dont get it...that doesn't make sense to me
haha :-D
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