Tuesday, July 18

A recent study was conducted to determine how Americans spend their leisure time. According to the study, most Americans watch 50 DVDs a year, and those ages 18 to 24 watch about 88 a year. How does New Wave compare to the average? Pretty close surprisingly. On Netflix, she has watched a little less than 50 films, and since it is the midway point, she has only 40 DVDs left to reach the “youth average.” I’m guessing she’ll meet that number but more likely will surpass it.


Curelover said...

What a lame study :) and hello it is not just me. Don't forget about Cup O Noodles. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

pigern said...

What are you talking about? The study helps determine whether you are an anomaly or not.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

HEY! Don't drag me into this!!! HAHA... I have no life, so i have an excuse!!! HAHA!!!