(G) Radiohead. (Embarcadero Marina Park South, San Diego, June 26) Grade: A-
Thoughts: After having not seen Radiohead (my no. 2 band) since 2003 you can only imagine my excitement when I found out they were coming back to town, without an album to promo as well. After being a pain to Darth, we got to SD around 4-ish and waited in a long, long line. Luckily for us Cup-O-Noodles had saved us a prime spot so after a bit of a wait we got into the venue.
The Embarcadero Marina Park is basically a grass area that can fit a good amount of people … I would say maybe 10K – more or less. I stood near the right side of the stage with Cup and my friend Charles for an hour waiting for Deerhoof, the opening band, to get on stage. I hadn’t heard anything too positive about Deerhoof so I was not expecting much and yea I didn’t get much. They apparently have been around for almost 10 years with 8 albums but all I thought of was when it was going to end. They definitely fall under the WTF/suck music bands; no surprise then when I find out Pigern actually likes them.
But I digress, back to the almighty great Radiohead. They opened the show with There, There which I thought was strong. The rest of the setlist can be viewed here. They played quite a few of their new songs like 15 Step (love), Arpeggi (great), Nude (good), All I Need (amazing), Bangers N’ Mash (love), and 4 Minute Warning (love) as well as some favorites like Lucky, Paranoid Android, National Anthem, Idiotheque, Morning Bell and so on. Oh and it was Colin Greenwood’s birthday that day as well. He is my favorite member after Thom. I was in the pit area for about 7 or 8 of the songs before I decided 1. I didn’t have to endure this crap 2. People smell bad 3. Fat chicks sure like to be in the front and are very soft and squishy and 4. People who push to the front suck.
I love Radiohead … always will but I have to say the audience/fan base for them has changed a bit. It seems the longer the band has been around the more the new and younger fans come out and love everything put out in 2000 and on. I do not get the sense they love the 1990 albums – Pablo Honey, The Bends or Ok Computer as much as Kid A, Amnesiac and Hail To The Thief. If you had to break it down Ok Computer really was the turning point for the band. With that said I look forward to seeing them on Thurs and Friday at the Greek :).
There was a song towards the end, it was all slow and I think Thom was playing guitar and he was singing about some girl I think and how she doesn't have to buy stuff, or maybe he'd buy her stuff. I don't know. If you have any idea of what song I am refering to, can you please let me know, or help me figure it out because I've never heard it and I LOVED it.
I think it may have been House Of Cards... was that a slow and mellow song? I am pretty sure that is it. Ugh... I loved that song!
Apparently there were more people waiting in line the second night because after Monday's show, they settled in for a night at the venue. Freaks. Haha. Like the band. Hate the fans.
I think I put together a pretty comprehensive description of the fans there on my blogsite.
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