Friday, May 26

X-Men: The Last Stand
Grade: I can't give one

The new heroes are cool, the villians are pretty lame, except for the Juggernaut. At first I thought that Vinnie Jones was a poor choice for the Juggernaut, but upon watching the movie, he wasn't that bad a choice. He has one very sweet moment in the film, and if you're an internet geek, you'll know what it is later. Anyways the story deviates from the comics and cartoon series, but that is probably why you will hear negative reviews from purists of the X-Men. I personally thought that it was entertaining until the ending, but that's just what I think and it doesn't really matter. That is why I can't really give it a grade. Just go enjoy it for what it is, a movie, and i'm sure you won't have too many problems with it.

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