Wednesday, March 22

(O) ECHO Art Show (Cal State Long Beach)
Grade: C
I went to an art show on Sunday. There were four seperate rooms of "art". I only really went to see the stuff done by the ECHO Long Beach art group and I enjoyed their stuff the most but wasn't blown away by anything. One of the artists had a bunch of what were probably 5x7 photographs of nothing in particular, mostly probably stuff nobody would care to pay attention to and I probably enjoyed his stuff the most because it made me think of how you really can take photos of almost anything and make them interesting in some way or another.

There's a new show opening up this Sunday and I am looking forward to it because I've seen some of the sample work that's going to be shown and it looks really interesting.

Just watched the Scientology South Park episode (Trapped In The Closet). The nice thing is South Park can educate you. I now know more about Scientology (and from a previous episode, Mormonism) than I ever had.

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