Grade: A
This was a rather small showing of photographs by a group of people who went to Uganda recently. There were some great pictures and I enjoyed looking at them and had that been all it was I wouldn't have though as highly of the event as I did. What was great was that in a side room you could go listen to a presentation from the people who went. They had a slideshow of images and a preview for what looks like a documentary somebody is putting together.
The stories shared were fascinating, humorous, and sad. After seeing the lives that people live in Africa, I can only say I respect them more than anyone in the United States. It was beautiful to look at people living in such gorgeous environments to and to have such a sense of community and family and love for all the people around you. If only they had the food and medical treatment and were removed from the threat of wars, it could possibly be one of the greatest places to live.
If you want to see photos from the event by one of the men who went you can click here.
The photos looked amazing. I'm very interested in Africa now because of Constant Gardener and Lord of War. It brings a different view of a wonderful yet ignored country.
I didn't know Lord of War had anything to do with Africa. Yeah, as I was at the art show and listening to the photographer speak and he was talking about AIDS, I wnted to ask, were there medical facilities like like in Constant Gardner with people just herded together.
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