Saturday, February 11

There was a story in the AP about Netflix and how they are throttling their heavy rental customers. After reading the article I headed over to Hacking Netflix, this blog about Netflix I often view. I read some comments posted about the article and it was amazing. People were angry, super pissed off at Netflix for promising to deliver unlimited movies and not receiving that. These was this one person who rented almost 20 MOVIES A WEEK. You guys should check it out if you have the time.

I've been a Netflix customer for a while, come April it will be three years for me. I have to admit in the beginning life was good for me. I was getting movies almost every other day but after a few months things changed. I started to receive my movies every 2 to 3 days. I wasn't too bothered by it until it became 3 to 4 days. I wrote an e-mail complainting about it to Netflix and things improved slightly. Currently I'm getting my dvds every 2 or 3 days but I don't mind. I realized over time I was never going out anymore because all I wanted to do was watch my Netflix so I could get another one. It became this sad, depressing cycle; you can ask Darth and Pigern about it. I have to admit I'm glad I don't get my movies as frequent so now I can leave the house more often.

So my question is a lot of you guys are on Netflix or were on it, what do you think of the service?


pigern said...

I hope you never get to 20/week. You are scary enough.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

When I first joined I was happy with the service, I was on the 3 at a time unlimited plan. However, at some point it also took them 3-4 days to get me a movie. I got frustrated and quit. I recently rejoined at 4 for the month and would receive my movies in 2-3 days like before. I took a chance in January and upgraded to 2 at a time unlimited and 70-80% of the time I still get the 2-3 days turn around.

Since I am swamped by school though, I limit myself to only watching 2 movies a week so now the delay doesn't matter so much.

I am debating during the summer doing their 8 at a time plan and just blowing through my entire list in a month and then cancelling because though it may cost me $50-60 for that plan, it'd cost me more in the long run if I do it month to month.

Hedwig said...

i discussed this with new wave last night. i am a newbie to netflix, going on 3 months and the first week i got my dvd's every other day. after that, however, they started coming every 2-3 days as well. like new wave, i am starting to welcome the change because i have gotten busy since the holiday season. i don't think it's fair they give the more coveted dvd's to the less frequent users, but the "throttling" they speak of is not as bad as some people are making it out to be. the selection is good and i'm seeing movies i would have never gotten at the video store. 20 movies a week is beyond loser-dom.