Tuesday, February 21

(A) Supernature, Goldfrapp (2005) grade: B+

So I first discovered Goldfrapp by listening to their remix of "Halo" on Depeche Mode's Remixes 81...04, which I loved (they also recently did a remix to the DM single "A Pain That I'm Used To"). I first listened to "Number 1" and it became a regular listen for me. So I decided to get the album (which won't be out in the U.S. until March 7, however the Number 1 EP is available). I really enjoy the electro mixed with the retro disco sounds. Some favorites of mine are the 2nd & 3rd singles, "Ooh La La" and "Ride a White Horse".

**UPDATE: Goldfrapp's "Ooh La La" is the FREE single of the week on iTunes, so go check it out for....you got it...FREE! (calm down FTC, I know that's your magic word)

1 comment:

Curelover said...