(M) Straw Dogs - Criterion Collection (1971)
"I will not allow violence against this house!" Straw Dogs is a movie of an American man, David (Dustin Hoffman), in Europe with his wife to get away from problems in America and to work on a scientific book he is writing. Sadly, his venture to Europe doesn't prove to be any safer than a life in America.
Many events happen which lead up to the final 30 minutes of this two-hour movie. But ultimately what you are left with is a viewpoint. David is harboring a possible criminal and there's a mob of men outside his home demanding the man be handed over to them so they can deliver their opinion of justice upon his person. David refuses to hand the man over and the mob (of 5 people) begin to try to gain access to the house by any means necessary. David stands to fight them off and his wife wants David to hand the man over, even if it means death for the man. David won't allow a man to be murdered by an angry mob. What follows is a battle of ideals. Whether you agree with them or not, it's an interesting scenario. Do you sacrifice the life of a man who you do not know the guilt or innocence of for your own safety? To what lengths will you go to defend your property? If your child were killed by a man would you seek out your own vengence? To what lengths would you go to seek revenge? There's other issues as well.
It was an interesting film.
(M) Pola X (1999)
Grade: F
Pierre ou les ambiguites (P.O.L.A.) a story by Herman Melville (Moby Dick) is brought into a modern day environment, though still holding to the values of the past. Pierre is set to marry his cousin but meets a woman who claims to be his sister. Pierre lives the good life, high on the hog and gives it all up to be with his sister (and I mean BE with her... yes like that, though he's already BEEN with his cousin). He enters the world of poverty and begins to work on his second novel. He takes residence with some musical artist in a commune type place. And then I don't know what happens because it was sooooo oawful I didn't finish the movie. So, if you watch it, please explain it to mean.
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