Tuesday, January 10

Well after pissing off Darth by making him watch this trailer set to Age of Consent by New Order I decided to share it with you guys. Enjoy!!!


Cup-O-Noodles said...

AHhhhhh!!! What the hell! I'm torn. First, that song didn't even go with that trailer in ANY way what-so-ever. I was thinking... how f'ing lame... and then it says directed by Sofia Coppola. AH! Now I have to watch it. Does she REALLY put 80's music in an 18th century piece? If so, I hope she can pull it off.

Hedwig said...

that was really weird. hmm kirsten dunst, most likely doing a french accent....kirsten dunst period. um i'll pass haha.

Curelover said...

i like how they are trying to appeal to the young and the hip. like hey we got kristen dunst and jason schwartzman and we are playing new order. ha ha. didn't part of the trailer feel like a video? that was interesting.