Thursday, January 5

(M) My Date with Drew (2005, Gunn, Herzlinger, Winn). Grade: A
This is a documentary about a guy named Brian who sets out to get a date with Drew Barrymore, whom he has been a fan of since he was 10. He has 30 days, a borrowed video camera and $1100 to make his dream happen. I won't say what happens in the end, but because Brian is dorky, funny, and sweet, you can't help but root for the guy. When I first heard about this documentary, I was a little skeptical, but I must say I genuinely enjoyed it. Also, the special features vignette about how Brian and his friends got the movie distributed was pretty interesting.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

True, you can't help but root for the guy. He has personality and drive and you gotta love him for that. I'd give this an A for the enjoyable experience I had watching it.