Wednesday, January 18

The Island: Jerry Bru, oh no wait Michael Bay - Grade: C?/D?

So I was unable to be like Judge Sly Stallone and say "I am the law!" As the year of 2006 is now upon us, the first movie rented by my girlfriend was The Island directed by Michael Bay. Now I can not really be fair and give this a real grade as I fell asleep at the 45 minute mark of this film, and woke up at the 2 hour and 3 minute mark of this movie, but it did make me fall asleep. The beginning was interesting until I fell asleep when it got dumb, and woke up to the cheesiest ending ever. I believe it is supposed to make you think about cloning, but it was as mindless as the 6th day with Governor Schwarzenegger. Regardless, Scarlett Johanssen is hot in this movie, and Ewan McGregor needs to stay in role as Obi Wan Kenobi, because that's all I know him as now. Where am I going with this, oh yeah, don't watch it, unless you feel like falling asleep. Oh and stick to your guns, that's where I went wrong.


Cup-O-Noodles said...

Somebody once said that 2006 would be his year to pick movies since his girlfriend picks crappy movies. What happened?

Mac the Knife said...

haha, i feel the love of the 742!

Curelover said...

i wonder if the island should be picked for bad movie night. what do you think dorkus???