Sunday, January 29

(B) All Families Are Psychotic (Douglas Coupland, 2002) Grade: B-

Compared to Life Before God and Microserfs, Families is Coupland’s most conventional novel in its literary structure. While his past books read in more segmented strands of thought, this novel is written as a comedic farce about the lives of families (almost all are psychotic to varying degrees, one character notes) with overarching themes of life’s purpose and human connection. For the most part, Families reads like a Hollywood B-film with none of those more serious messages really achieved. And now thinking about it, there might be a reason why Coupland doesn’t tend to write conventional novels. Not one of his best.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

I bought this at Barnes and Noble on the discount rack for like $6 or something and have yet to read it. I heard good things about it, well... mixed reviews I guess.