Monday, December 5

Rant: I went to see The 88 with a friend at the Troub. this past Friday and left feeling ripped off. The most I know about The 88 is they play a few songs on KCRW and apparantly they have made it big being played on every indie kid's wet dream show The O.C. and the always intelligent Laguna Beach. Look we get it ... wearing suits is cool because you guys are matching and niffy looking and wow neat-o your music is poppy and catchy with a throw back to the Wonders from That Thing We Do movie. Super clever but a bit tiring isn't it. Then I go and read on Pitchfork a review for Music from The O.C. Mix 5 and all the bands listed there and start thinking. Why are there so few good/great bands who focus more on their music and less on their stupid shlick? I'm just getting really tired of these hack bands. Enough already. I'm no music expert so if you disagree with me or find my rant not researched enough that's fine.


Cup-O-Noodles said...

I am so... SOOOO sick of boys in suits. It's okay for me with some bands who I guess I got used to seeing it with but the fact that new bands are STILL doing it irriates me to no end. I was at a friends house and looking at her music mag and in it of course are "new" bands in their suits and same ass hair cut.

That's what I like about "hardcore" band images, it's like shirt and jeans and their only definable thing is their hair cut which is usually jet black, and maybe tattoo's and piercings, but the outfit is like whatever, they just go play their music and that's all they should do.

I say people should do something that hasn't been done in awhile rather than copy what's going on, go on stage in only suspenders, go-go boots, biker shorts, and a cowboy hat. Ain't nobody done that since ERASURE!

bleed like me said...

what is up with gilmore girls? where's the attraction? mind you, i've never seen it, but to reiterate, wheres the attraction?
i've never seen the OC either, so i guess i'm not hip.