Tuesday, December 20

My list for the Best of the Worst Movies I watched this year.**

5) RENT - Rosario Dawson = Bueno. No Jon Bon Jovi = No love from me. Still the best of the bunch.

4) A Day Without A Mexican - Fell asleep in the first 15 minutes, so boring, and when I woke up I think it was in the same spot as when I dozed off. Sooooooo boring.

3) Memoirs of a Geisha - Read my review below. As Ken Watanabe would say "It was bad conversation." I think it was the longest 2 1/2 hours of my life.

2) The War of the Worlds - The biggest piece of crap ever made by Steven Spielbergo. OOOOH look at the birds. When the best part of the movie is when Morgan Freeman is doing the prologue and epilogue, you're in for a really bad time. This is only rated slightly higher than Sideways because it had action sequences to keep me slightly entertained. It still sucked.

1) Sideways - It's about a guy and his friend going to wine country, c'mon now! That one guy should go back to doing Ned & Stacy with Debra Messing. That might be more entertaining.

**My girlfriend picked all of the above movies and other than RENT, she did not find them appealing as well. So next year I get to pick 5 bad ones to watch. It's only fair right?

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