Tuesday, December 6

(M) King Kong. (Peter Jackson, 2005) Grade: B

Thoughts: I just got back from a screening of King Kong thanks to Pigern. Overall it was a great movie but a bit long. I've never seen the original 1933 one except for that classic scene where King Kong is up on the Empire State Building. Carl Denham (Jack Black, who was casted perfectly for this part) is a shady movie producer/director out to make the best movie picture yet. Unfortunately, he needs a new leading lady and comes across Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts), a down and out vaudeville actor. He picks her to be his new actress and along with his screenwriter Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) they set off to Skull Island. There they encounter King Kong who has taken Ann because she was offered to him by the natives. After Carl figures out King Kong is in love with Ann he uses her as bait to bring him to NYC. I was not thrilled with the ending of the film but I knew it had to be done. In addition, I was disppointed with how little screen time Adrien Brody got, maybe less than 40 minutes and how CGI some scenes appeared. However, the fight scenes with King Kong and the dinosaurs were engaging and violent - typical Peter Jackson style. I want my King Kong stuff animal now.

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